SUNDAY November 18
Nice Pastor Marie-Helene Moulin
Church has recently moved to Nice after 12 years in Monton.
Wonderful service this morning. Healings and miracles continue to accompany preaching on the glory of the Lord. Testimony service confirm same.
In the FGBMFI meeting a woman was healed instantly from a crushed hand which had been in a cast for weeks. Doctors could do nothing. The cast had been removed and a heavy bandage replaced it. When the word of knowledge came through a brother, she was impressed to take off the bandage. The hand was whole. She went back to work the following Monday. Her work was needlework. Doctors said she would never work again.
Now!!! I forgot to tell you about the transportation strike in Paris the day we were to fly to Nice. I'm sure you've seen it on the news. We were in the center of Paris near the Champs Elysee, and near the President's palace. A driver was to come from Charles DeGaulle airport to the center of town to pick us up at 9:30 am. Our flight was at 1:20 p.m. He called and said he would be late. When he'd been on the road two hours, he phoned to say he would not be there before 10:00.
There is a prayer I have great faith for. I pray it in traffic jams, etc. I pray, Lord, please make a way for me like you made the way for Moses and the Children of Israel when they crossed the Reed Sea.
I prayed the prayer. The driver arrived at 9:45. He said he did not know if we would make our flight. We told him about the prayer. God opened the way!!! The driver was amazed. He said more than once, "I'm seeing a miracle with my eyes." And then he would touch his eyes. He said, "Look over there." In the traffic going the opposite way it was to a stand still. It actually looked in front of us and behind us as if there were no traffic at all. We literally whizzed down the road. We were at the airport in half an hour. The driver kept proclaiming. It's a miracle. It was. And we were at the airport almost 3 hours before our flight. We covered a lot of ground. Thank you, Lord.
Tomorrow we head back to Paris and spend the night before flying out just one day before a government workers strike which would affect domestic flights. Thank you, Lord for our schedule.
Night before last, all night long, I heard the old, old song in my spirit in a booming voice, "Nothing is impossible when you put your faith in God!!!"
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Miracles--Even in Paris Transportation Strike!
SUNDAY November 18
Nice Pastor Marie-Helene Moulin
Church has recently moved to Nice after 12 years in Monton.
Wonderful service this morning. Healings and miracles continue to accompany preaching on the glory of the Lord. Testimony service confirm same.
In the FGBMFI meeting a woman was healed instantly from a crushed hand which had been in a cast for weeks. Doctors could do nothing. The cast had been removed and a heavy bandage replaced it. When the word of knowledge came through a brother, she was impressed to take off the bandage. The hand was whole. She went back to work the following Monday. Her work was needlework. Doctors said she would never work again.
Now!!! I forgot to tell you about the transportation strike in Paris the day we were to fly to Nice. I'm sure you've seen it on the news. We were in the center of Paris near the Champs Elysee, and near the President's palace. A driver was to come from Charles DeGaulle airport to the center of town to pick us up at 9:30 am. Our flight was at 1:20 p.m. He called and said he would be late. When he'd been on the road two hours, he phoned to say he would not be there before 10:00.
There is a prayer I have great faith for. I pray it in traffic jams, etc. I pray, Lord, please make a way for me like you made the way for Moses and the Children of Israel when they crossed the Reed Sea.
I prayed the prayer. The driver arrived at 9:45. He said he did not know if we would make our flight. We told him about the prayer. God opened the way!!! The driver was amazed. He said more than once, "I'm seeing a miracle with my eyes." And then he would touch his eyes. He said, "Look over there." In the traffic going the opposite way it was to a stand still. It actually looked in front of us and behind us as if there were no traffic at all. We literally whizzed down the road. We were at the airport in half an hour. The driver kept proclaiming. It's a miracle. It was. And we were at the airport almost 3 hours before our flight. We covered a lot of ground. Thank you, Lord.
Tomorrow we head back to Paris and spend the night before flying out just one day before a government workers strike which would affect domestic flights. Thank you, Lord for our schedule.
Night before last, all night long, I heard the old, old song in my spirit in a booming voice, "Nothing is impossible when you put your faith in God!!!"
Nice Pastor Marie-Helene Moulin
Church has recently moved to Nice after 12 years in Monton.
Wonderful service this morning. Healings and miracles continue to accompany preaching on the glory of the Lord. Testimony service confirm same.
In the FGBMFI meeting a woman was healed instantly from a crushed hand which had been in a cast for weeks. Doctors could do nothing. The cast had been removed and a heavy bandage replaced it. When the word of knowledge came through a brother, she was impressed to take off the bandage. The hand was whole. She went back to work the following Monday. Her work was needlework. Doctors said she would never work again.
Now!!! I forgot to tell you about the transportation strike in Paris the day we were to fly to Nice. I'm sure you've seen it on the news. We were in the center of Paris near the Champs Elysee, and near the President's palace. A driver was to come from Charles DeGaulle airport to the center of town to pick us up at 9:30 am. Our flight was at 1:20 p.m. He called and said he would be late. When he'd been on the road two hours, he phoned to say he would not be there before 10:00.
There is a prayer I have great faith for. I pray it in traffic jams, etc. I pray, Lord, please make a way for me like you made the way for Moses and the Children of Israel when they crossed the Reed Sea.
I prayed the prayer. The driver arrived at 9:45. He said he did not know if we would make our flight. We told him about the prayer. God opened the way!!! The driver was amazed. He said more than once, "I'm seeing a miracle with my eyes." And then he would touch his eyes. He said, "Look over there." In the traffic going the opposite way it was to a stand still. It actually looked in front of us and behind us as if there were no traffic at all. We literally whizzed down the road. We were at the airport in half an hour. The driver kept proclaiming. It's a miracle. It was. And we were at the airport almost 3 hours before our flight. We covered a lot of ground. Thank you, Lord.
Tomorrow we head back to Paris and spend the night before flying out just one day before a government workers strike which would affect domestic flights. Thank you, Lord for our schedule.
Night before last, all night long, I heard the old, old song in my spirit in a booming voice, "Nothing is impossible when you put your faith in God!!!"
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Europe - Unity and the Glory
Thursday November 15,2007
Whew! At last a rest day! And a hotel that I could log on.
What a trip. I'll begin at the beginning.
October 24-29
Prayer Mountain Prayer Meeting in Branson.
I'll write to you on the mailing list about the two assignments God gave us in prayer. One of them was for the Church. I didn't know what to call it. Praying for an outpouring, an awakening, a revival. Finally, it seemed right to pray for the Glory of God to be manifested in, through, and upon the Glorious Church. Such unity in prayer.
October 31
4:30am took shuttle from hotel to airport.
The driver just opened up as to how he'd been diagnosed with cancer.
He accepted the Lord and allowed us to pray his for healing. What a start!
November 1-3
Arrived in Brussels and drove about 1 and 1/2 hours to North of Belgium on North Sea for National Full Gospel Business Men's Convention.
Rick VanEste, leader, led in prayer as we drove. Such a man of God. (Pastor John Rood of Brussels says Rick is a man like the Master.) It was supernatural prayer. We'd just arrived from an overseas flight, but the prayer meeting in the car was wonderful. Rick's heart for the meeting was contagious. It turned out to be one of the best attended conventions in decades. Such unity. Such glory. The other speaker was Ian McCormack, or it might be MacCormack. Do a search on the internet and hear this man's amazing miraculous story. He was stung several times by box jellyfish. Died. Met the Lord and went to Heaven. Came back. He is very spiritual. We had good fellowship in the meetings. I preached on the Glory. Read from the new book of the children at Azusa Street and their accounts of what they saw. It is entitled THEY TOLD ME THEIR STORIES by Tommy Welchel. You can get this book on line from us. The last meeting I taught on the Authority of the Believer. Amazing meetings. The Glory of God. Miracle healings.
A young woman from Poland attending a business conference with her husband in the same conference center came into the meetings and we had the joy of leading her to the Lord. She brought her husband later and he renewed his relationship with the Lord.
November 4, 5
Pastors John and Lilianne Rood's Eternal Word Christian Center.
This great church in the capital of the EU is so diversified. People from many countries. And to the meetings came Pastors Paul and Karen Brady from Northern Ireland and some beloved pastors from the Netherlands. We had the glory. Singing ITS BEGINNING TO RAIN, Peter could well have preached these are not drunken as you suppose. But like Keith Moore's song, they are very very drunk on the Holy Ghost!
Oh! The Joy of the Lord is our strength!!!
November 13
Train to Paris. We thought we packed light!!! But having to handle our luggage, it seemed we did not. What a trooper Betty King is. She and Shelli worked like dock hands.
Met by a lovely lady from the Philippines. The Lord uses her in a powerful way here in Paris as well as in the Philippines and other parts of the world. She is indeed and endtime handmaiden--greatly used in the unity now manifest in France.
In Paris we moved back and forth between The Lutheran Church of Billettes, Pastor Alain Joly and The Good Shepherd Church of Pastor Bong Bugarin (a wonderful Pentecostal Word church).
I spoke first at Vespers in the Billettes Church. They assigned me to speak on the weekly lesson. Jesus and Zaccheus. I thought, I've never spoken on Zaccheus. I remember him from childhood Sunday School stories and songs. Zaccheus was a wee little man; a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a Sycamore Tree for the Lord He wanted to see. Etc.
They assigned me 20 minutes to speak. But, oh, the Lord!! He gave me a short message. And He powerfully anointed it when I spoke.
The message was: There are two golden hooks upon which all world history hangs: The First Coming of the Lord, and the Second Coming of the Lord. All other events pale in the light of these two events. Zaccheus was here at the first event. He heard the Lord was coming his way. He positioned himself to be in the right place at the right
time. Salvation came to his house that day. We are living just before the second great event. We must position ourselves for His soon coming.
The meetings at the Lutheran church after that were Bible studies on The Jews, The Nations, and The Church. With emphasis on Israel.
The meetings at Brother Bong's church were on the Glory of the Lord. The Glory of God was manifested. The glory cloud seen. Miracle healings. Supernatural new births. A business man from the Philippines came to the meeting invited by a business associate. He had not been in such a church or such a meeting. Three times he fell under the power of God without anyone laying hands on him. He accepted the Lord.He said that the real reason he came to Paris was that meeting. He also said he was going to take this back to his family.
The Lord so uses Betty and Shelli to speak, give testimony, sing, minister. And what a strength they are to me. Thank you, Lord.
Thursday, November 13
The Lutheran Bishop of Paris, Marie-France Robert, received us in her office at the seat of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of France. How blessed we were by this lovely sister in the Lord. I felt an immediate affinity with her. She is a woman of prayer. She wanted to hear my testimony and message. Then she gave hers. She felt the call of God as a child. As a young woman she went to Madagascar as a missionary. Her family was not supportive and it was hard. But an older missionary gave her a verse from the Bible to stand on. And gave her a special way of looking at that verse. Her beautiful blue eyes water today as she speaks about the keeping power of the word of God.
I said to her and to Pastor Joly what I have observed. And what I believe.
The leadership of the Lutheran church I have seen in Paris is very spiritual. (She told me they pray together "deeply".) I believe it is for this special time.
There is only one body. And I have seen that body everywhere moving in unity.
People from the Lutheran church visited the Jesus the Good Shepherd services.
Pastor Bong and his people visited the teaching at the Lutheran church.
Much unity was displayed at FGBMFI and at the Roods' church.
Everywhere we have seen unity.
And everywhere we have seen a great manifestation of God.
Did not the Lord tell us this in His prayer of John 17.
I have been coming to Europe for more than 25 years. I have never witnessed what I am witnessing now. Unity. Light.
At the last session at the Lutheran church, Paster Joly stood and speaking in English, which he had not spoken to me in before, invited me back next year. Pastor Bong and the Philippine lady I spoke of want to host a conference here next year. I want to come back, because I want to witness what will happen in the next year.
We are here in Nice for a little rest before we begin services with Pastor Marie-Helene, our dear longtime friend. She has started a new work here. We will enjoy the blessing of the Lord.
Thank God, who always gives us the Victory!!!
Love in Him,
Billye Brim
Whew! At last a rest day! And a hotel that I could log on.
What a trip. I'll begin at the beginning.
October 24-29
Prayer Mountain Prayer Meeting in Branson.
I'll write to you on the mailing list about the two assignments God gave us in prayer. One of them was for the Church. I didn't know what to call it. Praying for an outpouring, an awakening, a revival. Finally, it seemed right to pray for the Glory of God to be manifested in, through, and upon the Glorious Church. Such unity in prayer.
October 31
4:30am took shuttle from hotel to airport.
The driver just opened up as to how he'd been diagnosed with cancer.
He accepted the Lord and allowed us to pray his for healing. What a start!
November 1-3
Arrived in Brussels and drove about 1 and 1/2 hours to North of Belgium on North Sea for National Full Gospel Business Men's Convention.
Rick VanEste, leader, led in prayer as we drove. Such a man of God. (Pastor John Rood of Brussels says Rick is a man like the Master.) It was supernatural prayer. We'd just arrived from an overseas flight, but the prayer meeting in the car was wonderful. Rick's heart for the meeting was contagious. It turned out to be one of the best attended conventions in decades. Such unity. Such glory. The other speaker was Ian McCormack, or it might be MacCormack. Do a search on the internet and hear this man's amazing miraculous story. He was stung several times by box jellyfish. Died. Met the Lord and went to Heaven. Came back. He is very spiritual. We had good fellowship in the meetings. I preached on the Glory. Read from the new book of the children at Azusa Street and their accounts of what they saw. It is entitled THEY TOLD ME THEIR STORIES by Tommy Welchel. You can get this book on line from us. The last meeting I taught on the Authority of the Believer. Amazing meetings. The Glory of God. Miracle healings.
A young woman from Poland attending a business conference with her husband in the same conference center came into the meetings and we had the joy of leading her to the Lord. She brought her husband later and he renewed his relationship with the Lord.
November 4, 5
Pastors John and Lilianne Rood's Eternal Word Christian Center.
This great church in the capital of the EU is so diversified. People from many countries. And to the meetings came Pastors Paul and Karen Brady from Northern Ireland and some beloved pastors from the Netherlands. We had the glory. Singing ITS BEGINNING TO RAIN, Peter could well have preached these are not drunken as you suppose. But like Keith Moore's song, they are very very drunk on the Holy Ghost!
Oh! The Joy of the Lord is our strength!!!
November 13
Train to Paris. We thought we packed light!!! But having to handle our luggage, it seemed we did not. What a trooper Betty King is. She and Shelli worked like dock hands.
Met by a lovely lady from the Philippines. The Lord uses her in a powerful way here in Paris as well as in the Philippines and other parts of the world. She is indeed and endtime handmaiden--greatly used in the unity now manifest in France.
In Paris we moved back and forth between The Lutheran Church of Billettes, Pastor Alain Joly and The Good Shepherd Church of Pastor Bong Bugarin (a wonderful Pentecostal Word church).
I spoke first at Vespers in the Billettes Church. They assigned me to speak on the weekly lesson. Jesus and Zaccheus. I thought, I've never spoken on Zaccheus. I remember him from childhood Sunday School stories and songs. Zaccheus was a wee little man; a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a Sycamore Tree for the Lord He wanted to see. Etc.
They assigned me 20 minutes to speak. But, oh, the Lord!! He gave me a short message. And He powerfully anointed it when I spoke.
The message was: There are two golden hooks upon which all world history hangs: The First Coming of the Lord, and the Second Coming of the Lord. All other events pale in the light of these two events. Zaccheus was here at the first event. He heard the Lord was coming his way. He positioned himself to be in the right place at the right
time. Salvation came to his house that day. We are living just before the second great event. We must position ourselves for His soon coming.
The meetings at the Lutheran church after that were Bible studies on The Jews, The Nations, and The Church. With emphasis on Israel.
The meetings at Brother Bong's church were on the Glory of the Lord. The Glory of God was manifested. The glory cloud seen. Miracle healings. Supernatural new births. A business man from the Philippines came to the meeting invited by a business associate. He had not been in such a church or such a meeting. Three times he fell under the power of God without anyone laying hands on him. He accepted the Lord.He said that the real reason he came to Paris was that meeting. He also said he was going to take this back to his family.
The Lord so uses Betty and Shelli to speak, give testimony, sing, minister. And what a strength they are to me. Thank you, Lord.
Thursday, November 13
The Lutheran Bishop of Paris, Marie-France Robert, received us in her office at the seat of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of France. How blessed we were by this lovely sister in the Lord. I felt an immediate affinity with her. She is a woman of prayer. She wanted to hear my testimony and message. Then she gave hers. She felt the call of God as a child. As a young woman she went to Madagascar as a missionary. Her family was not supportive and it was hard. But an older missionary gave her a verse from the Bible to stand on. And gave her a special way of looking at that verse. Her beautiful blue eyes water today as she speaks about the keeping power of the word of God.
I said to her and to Pastor Joly what I have observed. And what I believe.
The leadership of the Lutheran church I have seen in Paris is very spiritual. (She told me they pray together "deeply".) I believe it is for this special time.
There is only one body. And I have seen that body everywhere moving in unity.
People from the Lutheran church visited the Jesus the Good Shepherd services.
Pastor Bong and his people visited the teaching at the Lutheran church.
Much unity was displayed at FGBMFI and at the Roods' church.
Everywhere we have seen unity.
And everywhere we have seen a great manifestation of God.
Did not the Lord tell us this in His prayer of John 17.
I have been coming to Europe for more than 25 years. I have never witnessed what I am witnessing now. Unity. Light.
At the last session at the Lutheran church, Paster Joly stood and speaking in English, which he had not spoken to me in before, invited me back next year. Pastor Bong and the Philippine lady I spoke of want to host a conference here next year. I want to come back, because I want to witness what will happen in the next year.
We are here in Nice for a little rest before we begin services with Pastor Marie-Helene, our dear longtime friend. She has started a new work here. We will enjoy the blessing of the Lord.
Thank God, who always gives us the Victory!!!
Love in Him,
Billye Brim
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Rosh HaShanah
September 13, 2007
Yesterday, we visited Hebron and the brave Jews who live there among thousands of Muslims. Hebron is the place of Abraham's third altar. And it is the place where God cut the covenant between the pieces with Abraham (Genesis 15).
We visited the caves of Machpelah, purchased by Abraham for 400 Shekels of silver as a place to bury Sarah. Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah are buried there.
The trip was cut a little short because the religious Jews there were preparing for the eve of the New Year, Rosh HaShanah.
Rosh means head. Shanah means year. Ha means the. So--Rosh HaShanah is the head of the year. It is the civil new year dated from the creation of Adam.
Last night people in our group enjoyed a Chag (feast) meal at the hotel and then visited different synagogues as they wanted. This morning they went to the wall to listen to the blowing of the shofars. The only thing the Bible says about this day is that it is a day of blowing of shofars.
I'll let my daughter, Shelli, tell you of her impressions.
Shelli: First of all. "Shana Tova." I've been practicing saying this after hearing it many times. Shana means year. And Tova means Good.
Today I woke up with the thought, Today I will learn with my feet just what it means to be in Jerusalem on this special day of the Feast of Trumpets. I walked with the tour group from our hotel through the Gehonim valley through Jaffa gate into the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to the Western Wall. The Wall is the only standing wall of the Temple Mount area of the Second Temple.
I saw families, dressed in their best. I kept my eyes on the men's section which is definitely more animated. I thought about how Jews all over the world were blowing shofars on this day. Here we heard the blowing of the shofar from one group and then the other.
I thought about the ram caught in the thicket by its horn that redeemed the life of Isaac. And to this day it calls for the Messiah.
Yesterday, we visited Hebron and the brave Jews who live there among thousands of Muslims. Hebron is the place of Abraham's third altar. And it is the place where God cut the covenant between the pieces with Abraham (Genesis 15).
We visited the caves of Machpelah, purchased by Abraham for 400 Shekels of silver as a place to bury Sarah. Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah are buried there.
The trip was cut a little short because the religious Jews there were preparing for the eve of the New Year, Rosh HaShanah.
Rosh means head. Shanah means year. Ha means the. So--Rosh HaShanah is the head of the year. It is the civil new year dated from the creation of Adam.
Last night people in our group enjoyed a Chag (feast) meal at the hotel and then visited different synagogues as they wanted. This morning they went to the wall to listen to the blowing of the shofars. The only thing the Bible says about this day is that it is a day of blowing of shofars.
I'll let my daughter, Shelli, tell you of her impressions.
Shelli: First of all. "Shana Tova." I've been practicing saying this after hearing it many times. Shana means year. And Tova means Good.
Today I woke up with the thought, Today I will learn with my feet just what it means to be in Jerusalem on this special day of the Feast of Trumpets. I walked with the tour group from our hotel through the Gehonim valley through Jaffa gate into the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to the Western Wall. The Wall is the only standing wall of the Temple Mount area of the Second Temple.
I saw families, dressed in their best. I kept my eyes on the men's section which is definitely more animated. I thought about how Jews all over the world were blowing shofars on this day. Here we heard the blowing of the shofar from one group and then the other.
I thought about the ram caught in the thicket by its horn that redeemed the life of Isaac. And to this day it calls for the Messiah.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
From Jerusalem on What's Happening Now
September 10, 2007
We drove down from the Galilee to Jerusalem. Our two busses of 85 people from America, Canada, Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Peru stopped first for the magnificent view from Mount Scopus looking out over the Temple Mount. We took communion here.
We hurried to check into the hotel and make our meeting with General Ya'allon, former Chief of Staff of IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). He was in that position when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon fired him, sending someone to his door in the middle of the night to do the task. I once asked him when both of us were speaking at an American Friends of Ariel dinner in Florida, "How did it feel when Sharon fired you?" He said, "When you work for someone and you do not agree with what they are doing and you tell them so, you are not surprised if they fire you." Then he said, "But for the first time in months I could sleep nights."
What he did not agree on was pushing the Jews out of Gaza. He did not want his soldiers to take part in such a thing. And he knew it would result in the terrorist haven that it is.
His address to us could have had a standing ovation on every sentence. His views are widely held here. The current government is weak. Olmert has only a single digit approval rating. But the coalition members will not pull out of the coalition because they know they cannot be reelected to the Knessett.
General Ya'alon voiced the sad truth that Israel lacks leaders of integrity and values.
September 11, 2007
Our program today began with a talk on Gaza by a military leader (now a reserve Colonel) whose career has been centered there. Our program was decided some time ago. But it so happened that he spoke with the voice of one who knows just after the military base was hit by Palestinian rockets just hours before.
The camp that was hit was one for new recruits. It was easy to picture it. When we were in Ariel, the young singers and dancers "For Zion's Sake" who always perform for us delighted us again with their singing and dancing. Through the years we have watched young people grow up and go into the compulsory army duty. Just days ago, we heard two of them say they would be going into the army in two weeks. So, the camp was filled with very young inductees. 59 were injured.
Our morning speaker doubted that the current government would go into Gaza to retaliate. He thought they would not have the strength to stick out a full fledged incursion.
Immediately after the talk, we boarded our busses and went to visit our dear friends who were pushed out of their homes in Gush Katif (Gaza) by the Sharon government. We visited a temporary housing settlement. It is sad to behold. Their lovely homes which some had built 30 and more years ago in Gush Katif have been flattened by their own government. And they live in very close quarters in temporary housing.
Our friend Rachel Sapperstein met us waving her hands as we pulled in to the place. She is remarkable. Though so misused by her own government she is looking with faith to the future and the possibility of building a new town. An artist, she has even designed the town. There is no concrete evidence that it will be built. But she has faith.
Her husband, Moshe, is not so optimistic. In fact, his mood is a blue one. He is a man of faith. But he has lost hope in his country's leadership, to say the least. And he has given so much for his country--an arm and an eye in the Yom Kippur war, a terrorist sniper shot him in the other hand and one leg, his daughter survived a suicide bus bombing in Jerusalem. And in all this he never lost hope. Until--his own government pushed him and his neighbors from their homes in Gush Katif. And turned them over to the Hamas.
Dror Vanunu, a 31-year-old father of four said that his young daughter wants him to pray each night as he puts her to bed that those people who destroyed our homes, and the hotel, will not come and destroy this place. (The family of 6 lived for a while in a hotel room before being moved to the temporary housing unit they now have.) She thinks that the reason they had to leave the hotel was that the destroyers came.
Everywhere people prepare for the New Year--Rosh HaShanah. Millions of flowers have been sold to celebrate and everywhere one greets others with the wish "Shanah Tova." This means "Have a Good Year." We trust it will be so.
Billye Brim
We drove down from the Galilee to Jerusalem. Our two busses of 85 people from America, Canada, Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Peru stopped first for the magnificent view from Mount Scopus looking out over the Temple Mount. We took communion here.
We hurried to check into the hotel and make our meeting with General Ya'allon, former Chief of Staff of IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). He was in that position when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon fired him, sending someone to his door in the middle of the night to do the task. I once asked him when both of us were speaking at an American Friends of Ariel dinner in Florida, "How did it feel when Sharon fired you?" He said, "When you work for someone and you do not agree with what they are doing and you tell them so, you are not surprised if they fire you." Then he said, "But for the first time in months I could sleep nights."
What he did not agree on was pushing the Jews out of Gaza. He did not want his soldiers to take part in such a thing. And he knew it would result in the terrorist haven that it is.
His address to us could have had a standing ovation on every sentence. His views are widely held here. The current government is weak. Olmert has only a single digit approval rating. But the coalition members will not pull out of the coalition because they know they cannot be reelected to the Knessett.
General Ya'alon voiced the sad truth that Israel lacks leaders of integrity and values.
September 11, 2007
Our program today began with a talk on Gaza by a military leader (now a reserve Colonel) whose career has been centered there. Our program was decided some time ago. But it so happened that he spoke with the voice of one who knows just after the military base was hit by Palestinian rockets just hours before.
The camp that was hit was one for new recruits. It was easy to picture it. When we were in Ariel, the young singers and dancers "For Zion's Sake" who always perform for us delighted us again with their singing and dancing. Through the years we have watched young people grow up and go into the compulsory army duty. Just days ago, we heard two of them say they would be going into the army in two weeks. So, the camp was filled with very young inductees. 59 were injured.
Our morning speaker doubted that the current government would go into Gaza to retaliate. He thought they would not have the strength to stick out a full fledged incursion.
Immediately after the talk, we boarded our busses and went to visit our dear friends who were pushed out of their homes in Gush Katif (Gaza) by the Sharon government. We visited a temporary housing settlement. It is sad to behold. Their lovely homes which some had built 30 and more years ago in Gush Katif have been flattened by their own government. And they live in very close quarters in temporary housing.
Our friend Rachel Sapperstein met us waving her hands as we pulled in to the place. She is remarkable. Though so misused by her own government she is looking with faith to the future and the possibility of building a new town. An artist, she has even designed the town. There is no concrete evidence that it will be built. But she has faith.
Her husband, Moshe, is not so optimistic. In fact, his mood is a blue one. He is a man of faith. But he has lost hope in his country's leadership, to say the least. And he has given so much for his country--an arm and an eye in the Yom Kippur war, a terrorist sniper shot him in the other hand and one leg, his daughter survived a suicide bus bombing in Jerusalem. And in all this he never lost hope. Until--his own government pushed him and his neighbors from their homes in Gush Katif. And turned them over to the Hamas.
Dror Vanunu, a 31-year-old father of four said that his young daughter wants him to pray each night as he puts her to bed that those people who destroyed our homes, and the hotel, will not come and destroy this place. (The family of 6 lived for a while in a hotel room before being moved to the temporary housing unit they now have.) She thinks that the reason they had to leave the hotel was that the destroyers came.
Everywhere people prepare for the New Year--Rosh HaShanah. Millions of flowers have been sold to celebrate and everywhere one greets others with the wish "Shanah Tova." This means "Have a Good Year." We trust it will be so.
Billye Brim
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Israel: Pressed on Every Side
September 9, Tiberias, Israel
A Day on the Golan
We spent today on the Golan Heights witnessing what is happening with Syria. Last Thursday the pressure stepped up on the Syrian front when two Israeli planes entered Syrian air space and triggered a response. Debka file said crack pilots were sent in on purpose to draw a response from an air defense system installed by Russia on August 10. The new system was supposed to stop anything Israel had, so it was reported by Debka, and the Israeli planes jammed the system proving it ineffective. Israel is silent on the matter. So, we really don't know.
But what I can say is that Israel is on the alert. All military leaves have been cancelled. And up on the Golan today we saw signs of military readiness there. We had a very enjoyable day, however. Especially in Katzrin a lovely town in the Golan. A Reuter's news man with camera interviewed some of our group. They asked them if they were afraid to be there. The answer. No.
We went to the very border with Syria and the sight of a miraculous tank victory for Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Rani Levy shared the details of the heroic battle led by Avigdor Kahalani, a family friend. After the moving remembrance, we had wonderfully anointed prayer.
In Judea and Samaria
I tried to post an earlier blog about our time in what the world calls the West Bank, but what the Bible calls Judea and Samaria. We have longtime friends in Ariel whom we were so glad to see. Of course, the pressing topic here is that Prime Minister Olmert has been talking with PA Machmoud Abbas about handing over Judea and Samaria to create a Palestinian State. Olmert has a single digit approval rating. Abbas does not have the support of his people. And President Bush who is pushing the matter toward a November conference in America, cannot serve another term.
No one really thinks it will go anywhere. But it is troublesome. We talked to a man whose business is security. He said that those in Shiloh who own their own homes received a letter that day from a group called One House, claiming to be apolitical, and offering to buy their homes in Shiloh and to help them move in view of the violence that is bound to come there soon. He lives in Shiloh. Of course they are not about to leave their homes.
Visited an army outpost watching over two hostile Arab villages near Ariel. One is Hamas. The other is Fatah. If a civil war ensues between the rival groups there could be a battle here.
Most of our friends here are trusting God. The one they obeyed to come back to the land of Ephraim and to build just as the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied they would so many years ago.
We had wonderfully anointed prayer at the Alon Moreh of Genesis 12 where God first promised the Land to Abraham.
Baptism in the Jordan
Yesterday, 40 or so out of our group of 85 were baptized in the Jordan River. Those pastors who did the baptizing, as well as the people being baptized, said it was so powerful in the water they could barely stand. It was also so in our youth tour of June 2006.
The baptism was at the end of a wonderful day around the Sea of Galilee where our Lord's earthly ministry was centered. Each time there will be a different part of this trip where there is a strong anointing. This time it was at the place where Jesus met the apostles with bread and fish after His resurrection. Somewhere in this area our risen Lord said, "All authority in heaven and earth is given unto me, Go ye therefore...."
Misgav Am
Two days ago, we stood at Misgav Am overlooking Lebanon. The border there is a fence a few feet from where we were. We miss Mike Ginsberg, who passed away a year ago, but we appreciated his dedicated partner Arieh ben Yakov who spoke in the same way Mike did.
We were there just after the incident in Syria. Very interesting. We prayed here, too.
A man in our group who has traveled the world said today that he has never been on such a trip. It is so stratigically timely to be in these places at this time, and to be so anointed in prayer.
Tomorrow we leave for Jerusalem.
Shalom, Billye Brim
A Day on the Golan
We spent today on the Golan Heights witnessing what is happening with Syria. Last Thursday the pressure stepped up on the Syrian front when two Israeli planes entered Syrian air space and triggered a response. Debka file said crack pilots were sent in on purpose to draw a response from an air defense system installed by Russia on August 10. The new system was supposed to stop anything Israel had, so it was reported by Debka, and the Israeli planes jammed the system proving it ineffective. Israel is silent on the matter. So, we really don't know.
But what I can say is that Israel is on the alert. All military leaves have been cancelled. And up on the Golan today we saw signs of military readiness there. We had a very enjoyable day, however. Especially in Katzrin a lovely town in the Golan. A Reuter's news man with camera interviewed some of our group. They asked them if they were afraid to be there. The answer. No.
We went to the very border with Syria and the sight of a miraculous tank victory for Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Rani Levy shared the details of the heroic battle led by Avigdor Kahalani, a family friend. After the moving remembrance, we had wonderfully anointed prayer.
In Judea and Samaria
I tried to post an earlier blog about our time in what the world calls the West Bank, but what the Bible calls Judea and Samaria. We have longtime friends in Ariel whom we were so glad to see. Of course, the pressing topic here is that Prime Minister Olmert has been talking with PA Machmoud Abbas about handing over Judea and Samaria to create a Palestinian State. Olmert has a single digit approval rating. Abbas does not have the support of his people. And President Bush who is pushing the matter toward a November conference in America, cannot serve another term.
No one really thinks it will go anywhere. But it is troublesome. We talked to a man whose business is security. He said that those in Shiloh who own their own homes received a letter that day from a group called One House, claiming to be apolitical, and offering to buy their homes in Shiloh and to help them move in view of the violence that is bound to come there soon. He lives in Shiloh. Of course they are not about to leave their homes.
Visited an army outpost watching over two hostile Arab villages near Ariel. One is Hamas. The other is Fatah. If a civil war ensues between the rival groups there could be a battle here.
Most of our friends here are trusting God. The one they obeyed to come back to the land of Ephraim and to build just as the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied they would so many years ago.
We had wonderfully anointed prayer at the Alon Moreh of Genesis 12 where God first promised the Land to Abraham.
Baptism in the Jordan
Yesterday, 40 or so out of our group of 85 were baptized in the Jordan River. Those pastors who did the baptizing, as well as the people being baptized, said it was so powerful in the water they could barely stand. It was also so in our youth tour of June 2006.
The baptism was at the end of a wonderful day around the Sea of Galilee where our Lord's earthly ministry was centered. Each time there will be a different part of this trip where there is a strong anointing. This time it was at the place where Jesus met the apostles with bread and fish after His resurrection. Somewhere in this area our risen Lord said, "All authority in heaven and earth is given unto me, Go ye therefore...."
Misgav Am
Two days ago, we stood at Misgav Am overlooking Lebanon. The border there is a fence a few feet from where we were. We miss Mike Ginsberg, who passed away a year ago, but we appreciated his dedicated partner Arieh ben Yakov who spoke in the same way Mike did.
We were there just after the incident in Syria. Very interesting. We prayed here, too.
A man in our group who has traveled the world said today that he has never been on such a trip. It is so stratigically timely to be in these places at this time, and to be so anointed in prayer.
Tomorrow we leave for Jerusalem.
Shalom, Billye Brim
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Blessing in Judgment
August 28, 2007
Yam Ha'Melach (The Dead Sea)
Blessing in Judgment
Blessing in Judgment
Yam HaMelach (The Dead Sea)
August 28, 2007
I first came here 20 years ago. I came for my skin. I had a bad case of psoriasis. I stayed the recommended 4 weeks and as I lay in the sun from 3 to 5 hours a day, I watched the red patchy scales disappear. I also watched other people from around the world improve as they lay in the sun for their skin. Some didn’t have psoriasis, but a skin discoloration where the pigment of the skin shrinks away leaving white areas. As they lay in the sun, the pigment spread out to where it should be.
I also watched people crippled by various reasons, notably improve as they took advantage of treatments here using the Dead Sea waters along with the sun.
One young woman from England suffered from a terrible case of psoriasis. Her skin was badly marked and she had psoriatic arthritis as well. She could barely negotiate the two or three steps in the solarium. A doctor’s aide told her, “We’ll have you dancing at the disco before you leave.” And she did.
With long hours lying in the sun, I’ve had plenty of time to pray and meditate on the Word of God. So once, I asked the Lord, “What is this? What is going on here? This is a wonderful place of healing.”
Before I tell you what I received in reply, let me tell you what happened here. This is the place of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is the lowest place on earth. That’s why one can lay in the sun so long without harm. Its rays are filtered. As I see it, when God hit Sodom and Gomorrah with judgment, it blasted the spot causing it to become the lowest place on earth.
So, here’s the answer I received, “This place is a witness to the world that even in judgment there is blessing.”
The Numerical Bible has a commentary on the Book of Revelation which reads something like this: “The future is as bright as God can make it. However, before that the world will alas know judgment.”
Oh! That men and nations would read God’s Word and work with God’s plan!
Billye Brim
Yam Ha'Melach (The Dead Sea)
Blessing in Judgment
Blessing in Judgment
Yam HaMelach (The Dead Sea)
August 28, 2007
I first came here 20 years ago. I came for my skin. I had a bad case of psoriasis. I stayed the recommended 4 weeks and as I lay in the sun from 3 to 5 hours a day, I watched the red patchy scales disappear. I also watched other people from around the world improve as they lay in the sun for their skin. Some didn’t have psoriasis, but a skin discoloration where the pigment of the skin shrinks away leaving white areas. As they lay in the sun, the pigment spread out to where it should be.
I also watched people crippled by various reasons, notably improve as they took advantage of treatments here using the Dead Sea waters along with the sun.
One young woman from England suffered from a terrible case of psoriasis. Her skin was badly marked and she had psoriatic arthritis as well. She could barely negotiate the two or three steps in the solarium. A doctor’s aide told her, “We’ll have you dancing at the disco before you leave.” And she did.
With long hours lying in the sun, I’ve had plenty of time to pray and meditate on the Word of God. So once, I asked the Lord, “What is this? What is going on here? This is a wonderful place of healing.”
Before I tell you what I received in reply, let me tell you what happened here. This is the place of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is the lowest place on earth. That’s why one can lay in the sun so long without harm. Its rays are filtered. As I see it, when God hit Sodom and Gomorrah with judgment, it blasted the spot causing it to become the lowest place on earth.
So, here’s the answer I received, “This place is a witness to the world that even in judgment there is blessing.”
The Numerical Bible has a commentary on the Book of Revelation which reads something like this: “The future is as bright as God can make it. However, before that the world will alas know judgment.”
Oh! That men and nations would read God’s Word and work with God’s plan!
Billye Brim
Friday, August 24, 2007
First Shabbat: At the Salt Sea
Yam Ha Melach (The Salt Sea) aka The Dead Sea
Friday, August 24, 2007
Shabbat comes in at about 6:57 p.m. (The time is posted in the newspapers.) But the people started coming in to this hotel right on the Sea all day Friday. Young and old. Very healthy and the infirm. Most in families. The health benefits of the Sea and its environs draws them. Even in this hot (110 F) weather.
I looked forward to my first Shabbat meal. Every day the Mediterranean food buffet is wonderfully varied in its tastes. (I actually feel sorry for those who won’t try the tasty and healthy cuisine. If you are joining me here on our Rosh Hashanah Tour, decide now not to miss the food.) But on Shabbat there are certain foods one can count on to be there. Gifelta fish, for instance, with horse radish and beet sauce. This is a food from the Ashkenazi (European) Jewish community. It’s right there midst all the food favorites of the Jews who came from the Mediterranean and Arabian Diaspora.
Shelli and I walked into the (heder ochel) the dining room when it opened at 6:30. White tablecloths covered the tables. A small bottle of wine labeled “Sweet Kiddush Wine” sat atop each one. The Israelis around us simply poured the wine and began to eat. Was there no one who would make the Kiddush (pray over the wine and the bread as in our Communion)? Then I remembered. It is summer. The days are long. Shabbat begins in the evening at 6:57. The religious Jews would be in the Synagogue at prayer until later. (Every hotel provides a synagogue for its guests.)
We finished the delicious meal and sat in the lobby. About 8:15 a long line of those who had been at prayer came through to the dining room. Men wearing kippahs (yarmulkes). Women wearing festive dress. A large group of Yemenite Jews sat in chairs drawn up in a circle while they waited for a table to sit together. Joyously, they began to sing the Yemenite songs. The Jews from Yemen left the Land it is said in the days of Solomon. They went to the far South.
Oh yes, I noticed something new on the Shabbat buffet. Black caviar. The Russian Jews have come back in large numbers since 1991. Their ancestors went to the North.
Here I sit again. Touching shoulders with prophecy fulfilled. He has brought them back from the North, the South, the East, and the West.
After dinner, most gathered in the lobby for live music and dancing. No hard drinks. Young and old. Children. Families. The music is enjoyable. Fun.
Never mind the headlines speak of Syria and Missiles and IDF buildup in the North. It is Shabbat. One is not even to think of business, let alone those troublesome things.
Next Shabbat I am going to eat with the 8:30 crowd.
Shabbat Shalom
Billye Brim
Friday, August 24, 2007
Shabbat comes in at about 6:57 p.m. (The time is posted in the newspapers.) But the people started coming in to this hotel right on the Sea all day Friday. Young and old. Very healthy and the infirm. Most in families. The health benefits of the Sea and its environs draws them. Even in this hot (110 F) weather.
I looked forward to my first Shabbat meal. Every day the Mediterranean food buffet is wonderfully varied in its tastes. (I actually feel sorry for those who won’t try the tasty and healthy cuisine. If you are joining me here on our Rosh Hashanah Tour, decide now not to miss the food.) But on Shabbat there are certain foods one can count on to be there. Gifelta fish, for instance, with horse radish and beet sauce. This is a food from the Ashkenazi (European) Jewish community. It’s right there midst all the food favorites of the Jews who came from the Mediterranean and Arabian Diaspora.
Shelli and I walked into the (heder ochel) the dining room when it opened at 6:30. White tablecloths covered the tables. A small bottle of wine labeled “Sweet Kiddush Wine” sat atop each one. The Israelis around us simply poured the wine and began to eat. Was there no one who would make the Kiddush (pray over the wine and the bread as in our Communion)? Then I remembered. It is summer. The days are long. Shabbat begins in the evening at 6:57. The religious Jews would be in the Synagogue at prayer until later. (Every hotel provides a synagogue for its guests.)
We finished the delicious meal and sat in the lobby. About 8:15 a long line of those who had been at prayer came through to the dining room. Men wearing kippahs (yarmulkes). Women wearing festive dress. A large group of Yemenite Jews sat in chairs drawn up in a circle while they waited for a table to sit together. Joyously, they began to sing the Yemenite songs. The Jews from Yemen left the Land it is said in the days of Solomon. They went to the far South.
Oh yes, I noticed something new on the Shabbat buffet. Black caviar. The Russian Jews have come back in large numbers since 1991. Their ancestors went to the North.
Here I sit again. Touching shoulders with prophecy fulfilled. He has brought them back from the North, the South, the East, and the West.
After dinner, most gathered in the lobby for live music and dancing. No hard drinks. Young and old. Children. Families. The music is enjoyable. Fun.
Never mind the headlines speak of Syria and Missiles and IDF buildup in the North. It is Shabbat. One is not even to think of business, let alone those troublesome things.
Next Shabbat I am going to eat with the 8:30 crowd.
Shabbat Shalom
Billye Brim
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Billye Brim's family heritage on every side was Christian. The Bible was a guidebook and a study from childhood. At three years of age she sensed the call to preach and began preaching to any congregation she could gather from neighborhood children to family adults. She was married, however, and mother of four children when an experience in God (the baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1967) reawakened her call to the ministry.
In 1971 she changed from working in the business world to working for a ministerial association. From 1971-1980 she worked for Kenneth Hagin Ministries in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The greater part of those years she served as editor of publications editing Kenneth E. Hagin's teachings into books and a monthly magazine The Word of Faith.
During those years she taught regularly in the local church, and began to travel and teach on weekends and vacations, etc.
She also taught selected classes at Rhema Bible Training Center.
In 1980 Billye Brim resigned from KHM to answer the call to travel and minister full time.
In August 1980 she began what proved to be repeated trips to the Soviet Union where she witnessed the dramatic changes there. The ministry behind the Iron Curtain began with actually running from the KGB.
Ministry teams took in past hostile borders, ink to the underground press, Bibles, books, and engaged in teaching, preaching, and ministry. Later she has witnessed the relative freedom to preach the Gospel behind the former Iron Curtain and has been part of organized ministry in the CIS.
Billye Brim's life has been especially blessed and enriched by close association with people wholly given to God, particularly in prayer, who were a part of the move of the Holy Spirit in the earlier part of this century. Some of those are: Elsie Ford, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, Dr. Kenneth E. and Oretha Hagin, Phillip and Fern Halverson, Dr. Frank and Irene Lindquist, Carrie Pickard, Wilford and Gertrude (Lake) Reidt, Carl and Grace Roos, Rachel Teafatiller, Jeannie Wilkerson. Billye Brim considers these, among others, to be her mentors.
A twenty year "knowing" that she is to work with and help people of prayer has found direction in the developing of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. A 102 acre site near Branson, Missouri will include log cabins nestled in the woods for people to stay in for times of individual prayer. And a multiple story Prayer Tower will be used as a place of united prayer.
Billye Brim's parents, Willie and Marie Combs, taught her from the cradle about the Lord and exhibited His love in their home as she was growing up and to this day. She in most blessed in that her two daughters and two sons and their families, including eight grandchildren, love and serve the Lord (1 John 5:4).
Billye Brim's ministry literally transverses the globe through multiplied thousands of teaching cassettes. Her writings have been widely published in various magazines and through her periodic newsletter The Glory Watch. She also has edited books for Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin, Dr. Lester Sumrall, Dr. Fred Price, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, and others.
In 1986, after her beloved husband, Kent, moved to Heaven, Billye went to Israel and began to study and to watch Bible prophecy unfold in the Holy Land. About twice a year she leads seminar study groups to Israel.
Billye considers her ministry to be that of a witness - witnessing the work of the Lord and telling others about it. A key Scripture the Lord gave her is, "Give none offense, nether to the Jews, nor the Gentiles (Nations), nor the church of God" (1 Corinthians 10:32). Therefore her ministry is three pronged. She watches the Jews and their place as God's time clock in these last days. She watches ministers in the nations (particularly the other nations of Bible prophecy in Europe and the Middle East). And she loves to watch for the Glory of His presence prophesied to the Church of God.
In 1971 she changed from working in the business world to working for a ministerial association. From 1971-1980 she worked for Kenneth Hagin Ministries in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The greater part of those years she served as editor of publications editing Kenneth E. Hagin's teachings into books and a monthly magazine The Word of Faith.
During those years she taught regularly in the local church, and began to travel and teach on weekends and vacations, etc.
She also taught selected classes at Rhema Bible Training Center.
In 1980 Billye Brim resigned from KHM to answer the call to travel and minister full time.
In August 1980 she began what proved to be repeated trips to the Soviet Union where she witnessed the dramatic changes there. The ministry behind the Iron Curtain began with actually running from the KGB.
Ministry teams took in past hostile borders, ink to the underground press, Bibles, books, and engaged in teaching, preaching, and ministry. Later she has witnessed the relative freedom to preach the Gospel behind the former Iron Curtain and has been part of organized ministry in the CIS.
Billye Brim's life has been especially blessed and enriched by close association with people wholly given to God, particularly in prayer, who were a part of the move of the Holy Spirit in the earlier part of this century. Some of those are: Elsie Ford, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, Dr. Kenneth E. and Oretha Hagin, Phillip and Fern Halverson, Dr. Frank and Irene Lindquist, Carrie Pickard, Wilford and Gertrude (Lake) Reidt, Carl and Grace Roos, Rachel Teafatiller, Jeannie Wilkerson. Billye Brim considers these, among others, to be her mentors.
A twenty year "knowing" that she is to work with and help people of prayer has found direction in the developing of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. A 102 acre site near Branson, Missouri will include log cabins nestled in the woods for people to stay in for times of individual prayer. And a multiple story Prayer Tower will be used as a place of united prayer.
Billye Brim's parents, Willie and Marie Combs, taught her from the cradle about the Lord and exhibited His love in their home as she was growing up and to this day. She in most blessed in that her two daughters and two sons and their families, including eight grandchildren, love and serve the Lord (1 John 5:4).
Billye Brim's ministry literally transverses the globe through multiplied thousands of teaching cassettes. Her writings have been widely published in various magazines and through her periodic newsletter The Glory Watch. She also has edited books for Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin, Dr. Lester Sumrall, Dr. Fred Price, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, and others.
In 1986, after her beloved husband, Kent, moved to Heaven, Billye went to Israel and began to study and to watch Bible prophecy unfold in the Holy Land. About twice a year she leads seminar study groups to Israel.
Billye considers her ministry to be that of a witness - witnessing the work of the Lord and telling others about it. A key Scripture the Lord gave her is, "Give none offense, nether to the Jews, nor the Gentiles (Nations), nor the church of God" (1 Corinthians 10:32). Therefore her ministry is three pronged. She watches the Jews and their place as God's time clock in these last days. She watches ministers in the nations (particularly the other nations of Bible prophecy in Europe and the Middle East). And she loves to watch for the Glory of His presence prophesied to the Church of God.
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