Billye Brim's family heritage on every side was Christian. The Bible was a guidebook and a study from childhood. At three years of age she sensed the call to preach and began preaching to any congregation she could gather from neighborhood children to family adults. She was married, however, and mother of four children when an experience in God (the baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1967) reawakened her call to the ministry.
In 1971 she changed from working in the business world to working for a ministerial association. From 1971-1980 she worked for Kenneth Hagin Ministries in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The greater part of those years she served as editor of publications editing Kenneth E. Hagin's teachings into books and a monthly magazine The Word of Faith.
During those years she taught regularly in the local church, and began to travel and teach on weekends and vacations, etc.
She also taught selected classes at Rhema Bible Training Center.
In 1980 Billye Brim resigned from KHM to answer the call to travel and minister full time.
In August 1980 she began what proved to be repeated trips to the Soviet Union where she witnessed the dramatic changes there. The ministry behind the Iron Curtain began with actually running from the KGB.
Ministry teams took in past hostile borders, ink to the underground press, Bibles, books, and engaged in teaching, preaching, and ministry. Later she has witnessed the relative freedom to preach the Gospel behind the former Iron Curtain and has been part of organized ministry in the CIS.
Billye Brim's life has been especially blessed and enriched by close association with people wholly given to God, particularly in prayer, who were a part of the move of the Holy Spirit in the earlier part of this century. Some of those are: Elsie Ford, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, Dr. Kenneth E. and Oretha Hagin, Phillip and Fern Halverson, Dr. Frank and Irene Lindquist, Carrie Pickard, Wilford and Gertrude (Lake) Reidt, Carl and Grace Roos, Rachel Teafatiller, Jeannie Wilkerson. Billye Brim considers these, among others, to be her mentors.
A twenty year "knowing" that she is to work with and help people of prayer has found direction in the developing of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. A 102 acre site near Branson, Missouri will include log cabins nestled in the woods for people to stay in for times of individual prayer. And a multiple story Prayer Tower will be used as a place of united prayer.
Billye Brim's parents, Willie and Marie Combs, taught her from the cradle about the Lord and exhibited His love in their home as she was growing up and to this day. She in most blessed in that her two daughters and two sons and their families, including eight grandchildren, love and serve the Lord (1 John 5:4).
Billye Brim's ministry literally transverses the globe through multiplied thousands of teaching cassettes. Her writings have been widely published in various magazines and through her periodic newsletter The Glory Watch. She also has edited books for Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin, Dr. Lester Sumrall, Dr. Fred Price, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, and others.
In 1986, after her beloved husband, Kent, moved to Heaven, Billye went to Israel and began to study and to watch Bible prophecy unfold in the Holy Land. About twice a year she leads seminar study groups to Israel.
Billye considers her ministry to be that of a witness - witnessing the work of the Lord and telling others about it. A key Scripture the Lord gave her is, "Give none offense, nether to the Jews, nor the Gentiles (Nations), nor the church of God" (1 Corinthians 10:32). Therefore her ministry is three pronged. She watches the Jews and their place as God's time clock in these last days. She watches ministers in the nations (particularly the other nations of Bible prophecy in Europe and the Middle East). And she loves to watch for the Glory of His presence prophesied to the Church of God.
In 1971 she changed from working in the business world to working for a ministerial association. From 1971-1980 she worked for Kenneth Hagin Ministries in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The greater part of those years she served as editor of publications editing Kenneth E. Hagin's teachings into books and a monthly magazine The Word of Faith.
During those years she taught regularly in the local church, and began to travel and teach on weekends and vacations, etc.
She also taught selected classes at Rhema Bible Training Center.
In 1980 Billye Brim resigned from KHM to answer the call to travel and minister full time.
In August 1980 she began what proved to be repeated trips to the Soviet Union where she witnessed the dramatic changes there. The ministry behind the Iron Curtain began with actually running from the KGB.
Ministry teams took in past hostile borders, ink to the underground press, Bibles, books, and engaged in teaching, preaching, and ministry. Later she has witnessed the relative freedom to preach the Gospel behind the former Iron Curtain and has been part of organized ministry in the CIS.
Billye Brim's life has been especially blessed and enriched by close association with people wholly given to God, particularly in prayer, who were a part of the move of the Holy Spirit in the earlier part of this century. Some of those are: Elsie Ford, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, Dr. Kenneth E. and Oretha Hagin, Phillip and Fern Halverson, Dr. Frank and Irene Lindquist, Carrie Pickard, Wilford and Gertrude (Lake) Reidt, Carl and Grace Roos, Rachel Teafatiller, Jeannie Wilkerson. Billye Brim considers these, among others, to be her mentors.
A twenty year "knowing" that she is to work with and help people of prayer has found direction in the developing of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. A 102 acre site near Branson, Missouri will include log cabins nestled in the woods for people to stay in for times of individual prayer. And a multiple story Prayer Tower will be used as a place of united prayer.
Billye Brim's parents, Willie and Marie Combs, taught her from the cradle about the Lord and exhibited His love in their home as she was growing up and to this day. She in most blessed in that her two daughters and two sons and their families, including eight grandchildren, love and serve the Lord (1 John 5:4).
Billye Brim's ministry literally transverses the globe through multiplied thousands of teaching cassettes. Her writings have been widely published in various magazines and through her periodic newsletter The Glory Watch. She also has edited books for Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin, Dr. Lester Sumrall, Dr. Fred Price, Reverend and Mrs. J.R. Goodwin, and others.
In 1986, after her beloved husband, Kent, moved to Heaven, Billye went to Israel and began to study and to watch Bible prophecy unfold in the Holy Land. About twice a year she leads seminar study groups to Israel.
Billye considers her ministry to be that of a witness - witnessing the work of the Lord and telling others about it. A key Scripture the Lord gave her is, "Give none offense, nether to the Jews, nor the Gentiles (Nations), nor the church of God" (1 Corinthians 10:32). Therefore her ministry is three pronged. She watches the Jews and their place as God's time clock in these last days. She watches ministers in the nations (particularly the other nations of Bible prophecy in Europe and the Middle East). And she loves to watch for the Glory of His presence prophesied to the Church of God.